Links of interest
American Psychiatric Association (APA)
APA blog for the public (formerly HealthyMinds)
@APAHealthyMinds on Twitter
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), California Chapter
WebMD Symptom Checker (one step up from Dr. Google)
PubMed (to find scientific articles)
Walgreens.com (to find dosing, side effects, risk and med interaction)
Say No to Stigma (a nice blog from the Menninger Clinic)
low fee clinics
Marina Counseling Center
San Francisco Jung Institute
San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis
Access to Mental Health (to get into one of San Francisco’s clinics for uninsured/Medicare/MediCal folks): (415) 255-3737
(Occasionally a sliding scale spot opens up in my practice as well)
Give an Hour points to providers who offer pro bono care.
Frontline Workers Counseling Project also offers short term pro bono providers.
Asian Mental Health Collective showcases providers specializing in Asian and Asian American mental health.